The TaiLent platform was designed and implemented by CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. as part of the research project 4I: MIXED REALITY, MACHINE LEARNING, GAMIFICATION AND EDUCATIONAL FOR INDUSTRY co-funded by the Sustainable Growth Fund – “Intelligent Factory” PON I&C 2014 – 2020 Desk referred to in Ministerial Decree of 5 March 2018 Chapter III

Conform S.c.a.r.l will be responsible for the further development of the platform in its current version and for further functionalities also thanks to participation in other national and international projects.

CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. has been operating since 1995 at a national and international level, promoting research projects, training plans, with traditional classroom, experiential, e-learning and educational videogame formats, providing consultancy and technical assistance activities for businesses and public administrations, drafting traditional communication plans and those with the use of new media, audio-visual and cinematographic productions, creating VR, AR and MR and AI solutions, developing gamification and game-based marketing strategies, with the support of expert employees, a team of trainers, consultants, managers and entrepreneurs, and a wide network of public and private partner organisations, such as universities, schools, research and skill centres, Chambers of Commerce, SMEs, large companies, employers’ and non-profit associations.
CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. is an Innovative SME registered since 2023 in the specific, special section of the Business Register, services sector, that offers solutions that apply augmented technologies (AR, VR and MR) and creates platforms for the use of multimedia content that promotes and valorises the cultural heritage, or to analyse skills and recommend learning objects aimed at filling the gaps identified, that are governed by AI algorithms and use sentiment and emotion analysis.
An important role to support the research and development of new functionalities of the TaiLent platform is provided by MedITech 4.0 – Mediterranean Competence Centre 4 Innovation

MedITech 4.0 is a multiregional Competence Centre, active in particular in the Campania and Apulia regions, but also present in other national contexts, established as a facilitator in the adoption by SMEs and the Public Administration of the enabling technologies of Industry 4.0 and as a tool to disseminate innovation culture and practices in the production of goods and services in the national territory, particularly in the Mediterranean basin.
The Competence Centre, , that was selected in 2018 by the MISE as one of the eight centres of national relevance, is a public-private partnership, which implements guidance and training activities for companies on Industry 4.0 issues as well as supports them in the implementation of innovation, industrial research and experimental development projects aimed at the realisation, by the user companies, in particular SMEs, of new products, processes or services (or their improvement) through advanced technologies in the of Industry 4.0 context. The services offered are also aimed at the Public Administration, a major player in the digital transition.
Meditech counts on the collaboration of 5 universities in Campania, 3 universities in Apulia and a significant number of small, medium and large-sized companies, industrial players in the search and implementation of cutting-edge technological solutions.
For the research of methodological solutions to be implemented in the “TaiLent” platform with the support of AI-Based technologies and in order to offer HR staff in companies and in public bodies, as well as employment analysts/designers and/or in vocational training agencies the possibility of monitoring the possession and adoption of the desired skills for both new hires and existing staff, providing targeted and customised training solutions in relation to the skill gaps detected, in order to foster and facilitate staff development in response to future developments in the corporate context and its reference market, CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. availed itself of the technical collaboration of its partner:

S.A.TE.F. Veneto S.r.l. is a consultancy and training company established in 2001 by a group of experts in the sector intent on creating a highly integrated group of professionals from the training and consultancy sector, capable of responding to the challenges of a continually evolving market with solutions that aim to solve the development and change issues of organisations through strategic consultancy, assistance to internal resources, training packages, patented tools and computerised products.
In particular, it can support companies by guaranteeing training needs analysis, managerial training, soft skills, and skills transparency and validation. In the social-health sector, it guarantees support in the creation of organisational tools (service charters, improvement projects), support in the creation of work tools (social projects, observation sheets), prevention programmes and management of psycho-social work risks (stress, burn out, aggression, affective disorders, mobbing) and complaints management. For employees, it guarantees competence assessments for entry/re-entry into the labour market, analysis and development of potential and management of the entire competence certification process.