WORK EXPERIENCE – Marketing e Communication Specialist for the Cinema
ESF+ VENETO REGION – PR 2021-2027 – Labour Area “FORTI: FORmazione e Tirocinio” DGR n. 1304 of 10/30/2023 – First come, first financed funding – Year 2023/2024

The WORK EXPERIENCE project offers unemployed people the opportunity to develop technical and transversal skills in the role of “Marketing and Communication Specialist for the Cinema“, a professional profile who is responsible for defining and developing marketing actions in the cinema sector, carrying out:
- market analyses,
- defining communication activities
- monitoring the results
in order to prepare and adopt the right strategy to understand the motivations, sensations and expectations that support the choices of an increasingly demanding and differentiated public.

The TaiLent Platform, was used to support the Labour Market Operator in the overall selection process, through:
1 – the analysis by the AI of the coherence of each candidate’s CV according to the specific skills required for the professional profile;
2 – the administration of a Self-Assessment for each candidate to self-assess the level of possession of the skills related to the “Marketing and communication specialist for the cinema” profile”
3 – carrying out an interview with an AI-Based Conversational Avatar, based on 20 questions to analyse the level of possession of 22 behavioural skills at “Management-Technical” level to which the profile of “Marketing and communication specialist for the cinema” has been linked, with analysis of the results that emerged through the combined action of multiple algorithms to assess the gap and recommend one or more training solutions.