The services offered by CONFORM S.c.a.r.l.’s “TaiLENT” platform have been designed to offer at operators in the HR functions of companies and public bodies, as well as analysts/designers of employment and/or professional training agencies, the possibility of monitoring the possession and adoption of the desired skills both for new hires and for existing staff, providing targeted and personallized training responses in relation to identified skills gaps, in order to encourage and facilitate staff development in response to future developments in the company context and the relevant reference market
Scroll down the page to find out more!
01 – Interview to evaluate 22 behavioural skills.
The TaiLENT platform allows you to manage, through the use of an AI-Based Conversational Avatar, an interview with a registered user, distinguishing between a user with previous work experience and a user without, by administering a panel of 20 questions structured by levels (Executive-Operational, Management-Organizational and Directive), in order to evaluate the presence of 22 behavioural skills. Artificial Intelligence will analyse the answers provided by the user to collect useful information to be analysed, through the use of multiple algorithms, to generate an overall assessment of the level of possession of individual attitudinal and/or behavioural skills, as detected as a result of the interview, and “recommend” one or more learning materials (learning objects, training video pills, narrative branching scenarios, training video games, articles on websites or industry blogs, podcasts, etc.), free and/or paid, available on CONFORM e-learning platforms and/or those of third parties.
Watch the video tutorial that explains how the skills are analysed and, at the end, shows how to use the platform functions to carry out the behavioural skills interview
02 – Self-Assessment of Digital Skills
TaiLENT allows you to self-assess the level of command of the 21 digital skills, as per the European “DigiComp” framework, as a reference framework for the knowledge, skills and aptitudes that allow people to interact with digital technologies, also including basic ICT skills and the use of devices to find, exchange and evaluate information. The conceptual model underlying the Self-Assessment of Digital Skills is based on the self-assessment of the following 5 areas of competence:
02 – Self-Assessment of Digital Skills
TaiLENT allows you to self-assess the level of command of the 21 digital skills, as per the European “DigiComp” framework, as a reference framework for the knowledge, skills and aptitudes that allow people to interact with digital technologies, also including basic ICT skills and the use of devices to find, exchange and evaluate information. The conceptual model underlying the Self-Assessment of Digital Skills is based on the self-assessment of the following 5 areas of competence:
02-Self-Assessment Competenze Digitali
02 -Self-Assessment Competenze Digitali
- Information and data literacy, with specific skills: Browse, search and filter data; Evaluate data, information and digital content; Manage data, information and digital content
- Communication and collaboration, with specific skills: Ability to interact with others through digital technologies; Share information; Exercise citizenship; Collaborate; Netiquette; Correct digital identity management
- Creation of digital content, with specific skills: Develop digital content; Integrate and rework digital contents; Copyright and licensing; Programming
- Safety, with specific skills: Device protection; Protection of personal data and privacy; Protection of health and well-being; Protection of the environment
- Problem solving, with specific skills: Solving technical problems; Identification of needs and technological responses; Creative use of digital technologies; Identification of digital skills gaps
The self-assessment will permit the identification of the level of command of these skills and “recommend” one or more relative learning materials (learning objects, video training pills, narrative branching scenarios, training video games, articles on websites or sector blogs, podcasts, etc.), free and/or paid, available on CONFORM and/or third-party e-learning platforms.
03-Self-Assessment Competenze Imprenditoriali
03 – Self-Assessment of Entrepreneurial Skills
TaiLENT allows you to self-assess the level of command of entrepreneurial skills, as per the European “EntreComp” framework, as the individual’s ability to transform ideas and opportunities into action by mobilizing diverse resources.
Self-Assessment of Entrepreneurial Skills is based on the following 3 areas of competence:
- “Ideas and opportunities”, with specific skills: Recognizing opportunities; Creativity; Vision; Ideas of value; Ethical and sustainable thinking
- “Resources”, with specific skills: Self-awareness and self-efficacy; Motivation and perseverance; Mobilize resources; Economic-financial knowledge; Mobilize others
- “In action”, with specific skills: Taking initiative; Planning and management; Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity and risk; Working with others; Learning from experience
The self-assessment will permit the identification of the level of command of these skills and “recommend” one or more relative learning materials (learning objects, video training pills, narrative branching scenarios, training video games, articles on websites or sector blogs, podcasts, etc.), free and/or paid, available on CONFORM and/or third-party e-learning platforms.
04 -Self-Assessment Competenze “Verdi”
04 – Self-Assessment of “Green” Skills
TaiLENT allows you to self-assess the level of command of sustainability skills, as per the European “GreenComp” framework, necessary for all sectors and at all levels of the labour market, both to promote ways of thinking, planning and acting with empathy, responsibility and attention to the planet and public health, and to encourage critical thinking, systemic thinking, problem solving and innovation.
The Self-Assessment of Sustainability Skills is based on the following 4 areas of competence:
- “Making the values of sustainability your own”, with specific skills: Attributing value to sustainability; Defending fairness; Promoting nature
- “Understanding the complexity of sustainability”, with specific skills: Systemic thinking; Critical thinking; Problem framing
- “Imagining sustainable futures”, with specific skills: Sense of the future; Adaptability; Exploratory thinking.
- “Acting for sustainability”, with specific skills: Political action; Collective action; Individual initiative.
The self-assessment will permit the identification of the level of command of these skills and “recommend” one or more relative learning materials (learning objects, video training pills, narrative branching scenarios, training video games, articles on websites or sector blogs, podcasts, etc.), free and/or paid, available on CONFORM and/or third-party e-learning platforms.
05-Self-Assessment Competenze Professionali
05 – Self-Assessment of Professional Skills
TaiLENT provides companies and/or entities with Self-Assessments specifically developed with the support of AI algorithms to allow them to self-assess the skills related to one or more professional profiles selected from those present in the “Quadro Nazionale delle Qualificazioni Regionali” (National Regional Qualifications Framework-QNQR).
Each Self-Assessment will allow the identification of the level of command of the skills being analysed, automating the process of identifying any gaps to be filled “recommending” a targeted and personalized training response, through the use of self-directed learning products (e-learning) and/or participation in the classroom, experiential courses, coaching activities, counselling, project work and any other solution based on innovative teaching methodologies, capable of supporting the development and/or consolidation of the skills required to effectively perform tasks related to the current organizational position or that of possible professional growth or reconversion and make them more effective and efficient.
By way of example, below you can see the video presenting the Self-Assessment of the professional skills of the “Sales Technician”.
06 -Self-Assessment Soft and Hard Skill
06 – Self-Assessment of Soft and Hard Skill
TaiLENT provides one or more Self-Assessments developed together with AI algorithms to allow the self-assessment of specific Soft and Hard Skills. Based on the score obtained by the user for each Self-Assessment, the level of possession of the skill being analysed will be attributed and based on this, the generative ai will provide:
- a description consistent with the level identified (basic, intermediate, advanced, highly specialized)
- a recommendation of the most relevant aspects and/or thematic areas that the user must investigate in order to improve the implementation of the specific skill being analysed
The related “recommendation” system will provide:
- useful suggestions for promoting, organizing and delivering ad hoc training courses, in the classroom and/or experiential, coaching, shadowing and project work activities, as well as any other solution based on innovative teaching methodologies
- links to learning materials, free and/or paid, provided in different formats (learning objects, videos, podcasts, websites, etc.), to be used in the CONFORM or third-party e-learning platforms.
As an example, watch the video to understand how the Self-Assessment dedicated to the Soft Skill of “Negotiation” allows the user to analyse negotiation dynamics in detail.
The video also shows you how to use the platform to complete each self-assessment. The example is based on the procedure to follow to benefit from the Self-Assessment of “Communication”, presenting not only the different phases to follow to carry out the self-assessment, but also the report generated by the system showing the level of possession of the skill, the recommended contents in relation to the gap detected, how to access and benefit from the individual learning objects and how to further extend knowledge with the support of Artificial Intelligence.

07-Test di etero-valutazione delle competenze

07 – Test for hetero-evaluation of skills
TaiLENT allows the expert staff of a company, also with the support of a training agency and/or an employment agency, to identify the level of possession of professional, digital, green, entrepreneurial skills and those linked to soft and hard skills, contextualized to the specific organizational, production and distribution characteristics of the reference structure of each user evaluated.
The generative artificial intelligence system, supporting the hetero-evaluation process, will allow the preparation of a panel of targeted questions, self-generated based on specific company documentation (e.g.: work procedures, manuals, promotional-communication documents, etc.), to identify the level of possession and adoption of each competence assessed.
ANCORA 07-Test di etero-valutazione delle competenze
The related “recommendation” system will provide:
- the possible promotion and provision of one or more ad hoc training courses, classroom and/or experiential, coaching activities, shadowing, project work, as well as any other solution based on innovative teaching methodologies
- the use of diverse self-learning contents, free and/or paid, provided by CONFORM after accessing the “ConforLearn” and “Erudire” e-learning platforms, and/or any other insights sought online, catalogued and divided into thematic areas, capable of improving and/or increasing the user’s skills.
Watch the video tutorial that explains in detail the different features offered by the platform to independently create one or more targeted hetero-evaluation questionnaires, to measure and verify the level of governance of professional, digital, green, entrepreneurial skills and those related to specific soft and hard skills, contextualized to the specific organizational, production and distribution characteristics of an organization.
The video also shows an example of the use of the platform’s features dedicated to hetero-evaluation, presenting the steps to follow to create the questions and answers for each quiz, also thanks to the use of generative AI, and to connect the contents to be recommended based on the gap detected based on the level of possession of each skill analysed.
08-Analisi e Valutazione del Curriculum Vitae
08 – Analysis and Evaluation of the Curriculum Vitaee
The CV Analysis Service is designed to provide a detailed and personalized assessment of your CV to increase your chances of success in the job market.
This service will allow the user to better understand the aspirations and professional objectives that he/she wishes to achieve in relation to the elements that characterize a specific professional profile, as described by the INAPP professions portal, or customized according to specific company or project needs.
Watch the video tutorial that explains the characteristic aspects of the service and at the end shows you how to use the platform function to carry out the analysis and evaluation of a Curriculum Vitae
09 – Colloquio di selezione
09 – Selection Interview
The Selection Interview is an innovative service aimed at training people to successfully face job interviews in a real “simulation gym”, through the conduct of interviews and questionnaires.
- The service is divided into various modules, which can be chosen according to your needs.
- You can purchase one or more modules to practice specific aspects of the interview.
- At the end of each module, a qualitative-quantitative report is generated that will provide a detailed analysis of the answers provided, together with your strengths and weaknesses and areas for improvement.
Watch the video tutorial that explains the characteristic aspects of the “Selection Interview” service and at the end shows an example of how to use the platform function to carry out the “Professional Sphere” module
10-Messa in trasparenza delle competenze
10 – Rendering Skills Transparent
The “Skills Transparency” service is based on an avatar-guided interview, designed to codify and render the user’s professional skills transparent.
The aim is to identify and analyse the knowledge and skills that constitute the competences required in the labour market, providing a clear and structured picture of the worker’s capabilities.
This process is particularly useful for those who intend to start a skills certification path or plan personal or corporate professional development.
Watch the video tutorial that explains the characteristic aspects of the “Transparency of skills” service and at the end, shows you how to use the platform functions to carry out the interview and generate the report indicating the percentage of knowledge and skills possessed by the user, his/her strengths and areas for improvement.